10% Of My Body Weight Is Gone! Tips For Staying Motivated While Making Lifestyle Changes

In March, I shared a quote from Walt Disney that truly inspired me. In case you need a reminder, click here. I am HAPPY to report that ever since posting that, I have been working diligently to get healthy. My weigh-in this week confirmed that I have lost over 10% off my body weight! I feel great!

Many people ask how to get started and remain motivated, so here are some ideas.

  1. Take weekly photos and measurements during your journey. Although the scale may not move much, your body is still changing. Photos and measurements are proof.
  2. If you have a slip day, don’t give up! Get back on track immediately.
  3. Don’t deprive yourself of the things you love. It is ok to indulge in moderation. If you do not, you will over-indulge when you finally give in to your cravings.
  4. Get your family on board. Take walks together after dinner. In addition to the great exercise, you are teaching your children valuable health lessons.
  5. Involve your children when grocery shopping. Let your kids pick out the fruits and vegetables they’d like to try. You’d be amazed at how excited they become.
  6. If you have no will power, do NOT bring junk food into your house.
  7. Stop eating out and avoid processed foods. Pack your lunch and make sure you include whole foods that will make you feel full longer (higher fiber).
  8. Make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day.
  9. Be accountable. I find that tracking everything I eat helps me know when I have reached my daily calories or if I need to eat more for my active lifestyle. Weight Watchers has worked well for me, but there are other free tracking tools on the web.
  10. Find an exercise routine that works for you and get moving. Some may prefer going to the gym, taking a class, working out to a dvd, walking or running. It doesn’t matter, just do it! Find time to exercise regularly, you will feel so much better.
  11. Set realistic goals and understand that you will not hit them overnight. It will take time and diligence, but you can do it.
  12. Make lifestyle changes for yourself and NOT for anyone else. If your spouse or a family member is telling you to lose weight, it will only work if YOU want to do it. You must have the right mindset.
  13. Find a friend to keep you motivated. If your spouse is on board, it makes it so much easier! There are tons of blogs out there that focus on losing weight that can keep you inspired. Fat Girl Fights Back is a terrific one!
  14. Don’t be obsessed with the scale. Make sure you weigh-in at least once per week to know you’re staying on track but don’t run to the scale every single time you workout or use the restroom to see if you’ve lost an ounce.
  15. Have fun! Don’t get bored with the foods you are eating or your routine. Change things up, try new recipes, and most importantly – challenge yourself. Remember, you should not focus on dieting but instead on making lifestyle changes.

I am extremely uncomfortable sharing the comparative photo below, but if it can inspire someone then it is worth sharing. I did crop my face out. The photo on the left makes me cringe, I will never return there. In the photo on the right, I have lost 10% of my body weight, approximately 20 inches and gone down 2 sizes. I still have about 7 more pounds to shed to reach my goal weight, but I am determined to get there!


Below is my Weight Watchers chart (without numbers) which shows my gradual loss over the past 11 weeks.

Do you have any tips for staying motivated? Please share! Let’s inspire each other to reach our health goals.

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